Nutrition Coaching Programs

Body Recomposition

Ideal for those looking for a customised solution to fat loss, muscle gain or performance, and needs some coaching and accountability along the way. We create a customised meal plan to suit your goals, then work together to create and adhere to healthy habits.

Hormone Footprint

Ideal for someone looking to investigate the the state of their hormones, then put together the appropriate nutrition and lifestyle protocol to suit their status and goals.

Gut Health Footprint

Ideal for someone with existing gut issues, who wants to restore microbiome health, using comprehensive stool testing (GI Map) and nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

Restore and Thrive

This is a health building protocol for those wanting to restore function and vitality from within. We conduct comprehensive blood, gut and hormone testing, then work together to

We believe that healing and habit change take time, and the best way to create sustainable results is to work with a coach for a period of time. This is why we offer coaching programs instead of charging by the hour. By adhering to a coaching model of healthcare, we set a long term vision where the client takes ownership of the process over time.

If you’d like to have a consultation to see if coaching is right for you, then you can book a consultation, free of charge via our contact page.

Body Recomposition Hormone Footprint Gut Health Footprint Restore and Thrive
DUTCH Hormone Test (urine)
Gut Health Test (stool)
Unlimited monthly body composition scans
Blood Chemistry analysis
Customised Nutrition Plan
Complete Recipe Guide
Weekly Shopping List
Customised Macronutrient Profile
Lifestyle Coaching
In Person or Online
Each program is customised to suit your goals
Monthly price $300Minimum 3 month program $3906 month program $3906 month program $5006 month program
  • All prices are exclusive of GST

Are you a self starter who just wants a one off consultation with a meal plan to follow? We get it! Join our Barefoot Hub today!


Not sure which option is right for you?

Get in touch and we can tailor a program to suit your goals