We believe in the personal coaching model to health, and assess your bioindividuality to create sustainable wellness solutions.

I believe that every body is unique, and that proper healthcare requires a combination of nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle implementations. When we neglect one of these, we neglect our health. 

I also believe strongly in a coaching model of healthcare. I do not believe that you can create sustainable lifestyle change after a 30 minute consultation, and for this reason I work with clients for a minimum of three months. I have always kept a small client base so that I can best serve. There is no limit on the amount of contact and support you receive. Some people require more, some less, and I will respect that. 

Testing plays a large part in the process, as we look for healing opportunities in the gut, hormones or nutritional profile. While it’s not compulsory, lab testing can provide us with a deeper insight into your physiology, and can direct our protocols. 

I also believe in a self care model of healthcare. It’s therefore my end goal to teach you the tools to do this yourself, so that you can learn about nutrition and your body, and find a system that works. With so much misinformation in the wellness space, I pride myself on teaching you the relevant tools that will create sustainable change.


Below is the experience that you can expect when working with me:

 Step 1: Health discovery consultation. 

This is a complimentary consultation where we cover your health history and goals for making change. It’s here that I’ll tell you how I can help (or how I can’t!), and you can decide if you’d like to take further steps. 


Step 2: Initial Consultation and Health Questionnaire

After deciding to commit to nutrition coaching, you’ll undergo an extensive intake process that includes a health and lifestyle questionnaire, as well as a review of any prior testing you’ve undergone (bloodwork, gut test, DNA, hormone profile etc). 


Step 2: Test (don’t guess)

From our intake, it’ll become clear what testing is recommended. Oftentimes clients won’t require testing, or we’ll delay it until healthy behaviours are established. The main tests we offer are the DUTCH hormone test, GI Map, and blood chemistry panel.


Step 3: Begin Protocol

Once we’ve gathered the relevant data, you’ll begin your protocol for nutrition, lifestyle, fitness and supplementation. You’re given clear nutritional guidelines to follow, and you’re given access to our custom made app to ask any questions to support your progress. 


Step 4: Fortnightly Consultations

Each fortnight we’ll have a check-in consultation to discuss what went well, and what we need to work on. The goal of these sessions is to identify behaviours that affect your health, so that we can build healthier ones along the journey. This can be done in person or over zoom. 


Step 5: Monthly InBody Scan 

Each month we’ll conduct an in-person consultation where we’ll check in your progress as well as conduct an InBody Scan. This is a comprehensive analysis of lean muscle, bodyfat, water retention, inflammation and segmental mass. These scans are important for ensuring that we’re making progress on our program.  

Step 6: Retweak Protocol

Depending on how we’re progressing, we may retweak your protocol to suit your goals. This involves changing macro ratios, supplement protocol or reintroducing foods that were previously taken out (common with when healing the gut)


Step 7: Retest. 

Clients will have the opportunity to retest their gut, hormones or blood chemistry at any point. This is recommended to be six months after their initial test, and after a protocol has been completed. 


Step 8: Self Care and Barefoot Hub  

After the completion of you protocol, you’ll have the opportunity to join the Barefoot Hub, where you’ll have access to our app, as well as a monthly InBody scan to keep you on track. This works well in keeping your relationship with your coach, and to enforce some accountability.